Heatherwood Care Centre

First and foremost, as part of Heatherwood Health Care,  Each Home must be exactly that: a home for each resident. At the heart of what we do is a desire to provide everyone we support with the opportunity to continue to live life to the full. This means much more than just providing good care; it is about working with each resident to understand their life story to-date, as well as their dreams and aspirations for the future. Armed with this understanding, we can achieve these dreams together.
About image
We are supporting the Alzheimer's Society Forget me not Appeal in 2025.  We are encouraging others to go to the website and donate where able:

Charity image
Testimonials image
Heatherwood held a Christmas party for residents and loved ones on the 15th December 2023.  Loved ones who attended thanked the home for organising this and said that they enjoyed themselves.
We’d love to hear about your experience – good and bad – of our home so we can improve what we do.

Please take a minute to send us your feedback using the form below and we’ll get back to you as soon as we can.

CQC COMMENTS 2023  image
  • Safe – this means we looked for evidence that people were protected from abuse and avoidable harm 
  • ● People were safe at the service. ● Staff received relevant training and support to safeguard people from abuse. Staff understood how to recognise abuse and how to report their concerns about this and newer staff were undergoing induction, in line with national induction standards
  • .● The registered manager gave honest information and suitable support, and applied duty of candour where appropriate. A person told us, "The manager is excellent, it's very well run here." A relative said, "The manager is great. Communication is very good and if anything happens [to my family member] she always tells me immediately." 
  • The registered manager submitted notifications to CQC of significant incident as required. ● The provider displayed their rating in the reception area and on their website as legally required.
  • Good partnerships had been developed with a range of organisations including a local church and healthcare professionals such as the GP who visited weekly. The service was enrolled in iWHELD, a programme to coach and support staff to improve people's wellbeing. The service achieved platinum status with the Gold Standard Framework for end of life care, promoting a dignified end of life for people at the service.


From £1150 per week

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From £1150 per week

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From £1600 per week needs based.

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From £180 per day needs based.

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  • 47 Foxley Lane, Purley, Surrey. CR8 3EH
  •  12/01/2023 02:29 PM

Statement of Purpose